

Dev-Team Atualização do redsn0w 0.9.6rc12

  • 4/08/2011
  • Unknown
  • Dev-Team atualiza o redsn0w 0.9.6rc12 para resolver um bug

    Those running redsn0w may have noticed we enabled too many Settings options in some versions of the jailbreak (for instance, what you want your side switch to do, even if you have no side switch because you’re not using an iPad).   Release rc10 rc12 of redsn0w corrects that (you can just run it over your existing jailbreak…be sure to de-select Cydia to avoid package conflicts).
    Along the way, we’ve also added the option to enable boot animations…these animations can be installed via Cydia, but be sure to select which animation to use via the Settings->Bootlogo setting after you’ve downloaded an animation (and again, you can just run rc10 rc12 over your existing jailbreak…be sure to de-select Cydia to avoid package conflicts).
    (The boot animation we tested against was “Android Boot Logo”.  It correctly installs all the dependencies needed to run the animation at each boot).
     Dev-Team Atualização do redsn0w 0.9.6rc12

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    Atenciosamente, Equipe Macintosh Brasil (The Jailbreak Rules)

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