Exatamente, isso que voce leu em cima no Titulo!
ganhar um Laptop totalemente gratis, do Google somente para ser piloto de teste!! deles!
link para inscricao aqui.. Google Chrome OS and CR-48 Laptop
Each participant in the Pilot program will receive a Cr-48 Chrome notebook; in return, we'll expect you to use it regularly and send us detailed feedback.
Sound interesting? Please note:
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. We'll review the requests that come in and contact you if you've been selected.
Apply Now
Oportunidade de participar do Teste do Google Chrome OS and CR-48 Laptop
Exatamente, isso que voce leu em cima no Titulo!
ganhar um Laptop totalemente gratis, do Google somente para ser piloto de teste!! deles!
link para inscricao aqui.. Google Chrome OS and CR-48 Laptop
We're all ears.
The Chrome operating system is a work in progress. We’re looking for the right users to try it out and tell us how we can make it better.Each participant in the Pilot program will receive a Cr-48 Chrome notebook; in return, we'll expect you to use it regularly and send us detailed feedback.
Sound interesting? Please note:
Chrome OS is for people who live on the
It runs web-based applications, not legacy PC software.
The Pilot program is not for the faint of heart.
Things might not always work just right.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. We'll review the requests that come in and contact you if you've been selected.
Apply Now
Anderson Albuquerque
Brasileiro residente de Los Angeles, amante da tecnologia , criador dos blogs MacintoshBrazil e icloudbr.com . Parceiro do YouTube com os canais DicasdeGames Machinima Network e macintoshbrasil .
Obrigado pela visita!@MacintoshBrasil
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